Lakelend Shines Bright With “Supernova”

Melbourne pop act Lakelend has got me grooving with his latest single “Supernova.” This is an irresistible synthy pop track that takes its cues from acts like Lauv, LANY, and The Chainsmokers. It’ll definitely get you dancing, but its romantic lyrics might tug at your heartstrings too!

“Sometimes that new person falls into your lap when you least expect it. A breath of fresh air. Something that you haven’t experienced before,” Lakelend explains of the song’s inspiration. “I was all in. Never in my life had I experienced a love for someone that built up so incredibly quickly. I think it’s only human to return love and affection if it’s received well and is something you’re capable of giving back. In hindsight, there were certain moments that I was blind to everything happening around me. My close friends, my family and even my own goals and ambitions. I don’t regret it, but I’m just being honest.”

“Supernova” is only Lakelend’s second single, but he’s already showing big promise.

Image used with permission from GYRO PR

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