“Habits of Honesty” – Talitha

Great music has no age limit. Simply looking at the promo pictures of Gold Coast artist Talitha, with her glittery eye makeup and rainbow-coloured hair, told me she wasn’t making music targeted at women in their 40s. And yet I can’t stop listening to her latest EP Habits of Honesty.

Right now my life is in a very different point to Talitha’s. It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted to lash out at former fling as she does in the opening track “Embarrassed to know ya.” Yet the brutal sassiness is so much fun that this number hooked me instantly. While this song reveals Talitha’s darker side the rest of the EP is frothy and fun. “The good ones” is such a beautiful ode to those thick-and-thin friendships. The belief in bonds that stand the test of time continues in “I choose you.” While this sweet love song celebrates the no, it also looks to the future, a time when Talitha and her love won’t be “trainwrecks.” “New Year’s” is the ideal way to end this joyous EP. It paints such a vivid scene of the best kind of party, surrounded by great company, with drinks in hand and a crowded dancefloor. My memories of those kinds of nights are fast fading, but this song brings it all back in glorious technicolour.

I can imagine Habits of Honesty striking a real chord with teens and twentysomethings. This album is clearly written for them, and they’ll lap up those synthy sounds, cool beats, and relatable lyrics. It might not resonate in the same way for the older crowd, but it’s still ridiculously catchy pop music. And you’re never too old for that. Habits of Honesty is the first release in a three-part album written, performed, and co-produced by Talitha. I love how this journey’s started and can’t wait to hear what comes next.

Images used with permission from the A&R Department

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