COTTA Reclaims Her Power With “Didn’t Call”

Most of us know the feeling of waiting by the phone, hoping the object of our affection will get in touch. It can be crushing and soul-destroying, but COTTA flips the script with her latest single. “Didn’t Call” is an empowering indie-pop ditty about finding your own strength rather than looking for outside validation.

“I’m in a long-distance relationship with my very wonderful, very supportive boyfriend who lives back on the Gold Coast. Naturally, and particularly in a post-‘Rona world, time between visits can be tough! We try to FaceTime as much as possible to stay connected but he missed my call one night (through no fault of his, or his very old iPhone’s, own) and I started humming this melody,” the Melbourne-based artist admitted. “This is no diss track, by any means – I’m very much in love – but I thought it was a cute take on what can happen if your call goes unanswered.”

“Didn’t Call” is COTTA’s follow-up to “Better.” Both tracks show COTTA has the talent to shake up the Aussie pop landscape.

Image used with permission from Habit Music Co.; credit: Chris Nicolaou

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