Chelsea Berman Releases New Party Anthem, “Tastes Like a Hangover”

Central Coast country darling Chelsea Berman has released, in her words, “the drinking song you never knew you needed,” her latest single “Tastes Like a Hangover.” And with so much of the country in lockdown right now, I think it’s just what the doctor ordered. Although, I have no medical training, so take my health advice with a grain of salt!

“This song is inspired by my own hangovers,” Chelsea admitted. “At 23 you wouldn’t think they would be that bad – but as the song says, I definitely spend the next day on the bathroom floor after a few too many Fireball shots.”
Chelsea wrote the track with local country music star Troy Kemp.

“I came to Troy Kemp with the idea for the song and he loved it, so we wrote the song and he added a different angle of ‘making the night worthwhile’ so the next day you can remember all of the fun you had the night before!” Chelsea added. ”The track was produced by Rod McCormack who did an amazing job and gave the song a pop/country feel that is sure to help you dance the night away!”

Chelsea has played shows all across the East Coast, including dates with Travis Collins, Amber Lawrence, and Brad Cox. Hopefully it won’t be too long before the lockdown lifts and we see her back on the stage.

Image used with permission from Wildheart Publicity

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