Take a Trip With VOH’s “Away”

I don’t know about you, but I am absolutely ready for a break from the COVID shitstorm right now. A few weeks in a tropical destination would do it I think, if I only felt confident enough to get on a plane! Listening to “Away,” the debut single from Sydney talent VOH, is the next best thing. Hit play, close your eyes, and enjoy a few stress-free minutes.

“If you picture a dial of sadness to joy, I start in that place of rock bottom and then I sing with the attitude of healing and celebration, until we’re all surfacing for air,” she explained. This track definitely has that cathartic quality. Listening to it I could feel all the stress and worry melt away for a little while.

“Away” is the first in a series of songs VOH created in lockdown with writer and producer Tremolo Switch. I can’t wait to hear what other gems came from their collaboration, because this song is really special.

Image used with permission from KAOS

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