Dear Sunday Tackle Big Issues With “Knock Knock”

Perth act Dear Sunday have just dropped a powerful new single “Knock Knock.” Don’t let the retro Home Alone-inspired cover art fool you. This track is serious business with lyrics exploring mental illness and grief.

Lead vocalist Ben Swanson sings from the heart on this one. He explained the song’s origins, noting “The song is actually about depression and the feeling of being haunted by dark, sad thoughts. A few years ago I lost two of my best mates, only months apart, to their own battles with mental health. It’s something that is so incredibly common these days, but it’s still so hard to comprehend the internal battle that those people are going through … I lost friends because they found it hard to express how they felt, so here I am, sharing my experiences, my dark times and my fight with depression through a song that could be heard all over the world. Hopefully, I’m doing them proud.”

2022 is set to be a massive year for Dear Sunday, with Ben revealing “We’ve got heaps of new music coming out, collabs with artists we couldn’t have even dreamed of a year ago, and even jumping on some festival lineups. She’s gonna be a busy year. We can’t wait.”

The busy-ness starts soon, with Dear Sunday playing three shows in the coming weeks:

12 February 2022 – Badlands Bar, Perth (supporting South Summit)
18 February 2022 – Indian Ocean Hotel, Perth (supporting Great Gable)
19 February 2022 – Heatwave Mini-Fest @ Clancy’s Fish Pub, Fremantle

Image used with permission from On the Map PR

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