Meg Mac Goes Deep With “Is It Worth Being Sad”

Meg Mac has just released a powerful, thought-provoking new single “Is It Worth Being Sad” that I know you’re going to love. Her music always gets me with its intimate, introspective lyrics and strong vocals. This track is no exception. Whatever you’re struggling to move past in your life, hopefully you can use this song as therapy as Meg did.

“I had just run away to the country,” she recalled of the time she wrote her new single. “I was running away from my troubles. I was living in peace and quiet finally and really thought I’d figured it all out, and it was all smooth sailing ahead. It was the start of sorting out my life. This song was like my first step—I didn’t know it then, though.”

I’m a big believer that the right song finds you when it’s supposed to. With so many of us feeling like 2022 will mark a new chapter, I’m sure this song will resonate with many of you.

Image used with permission from Meg Mac

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