Discover the Charm of Angela Rose’s “Small Town”

Newcastle’s Angela Rose won me over last year with her track “Utopia.” Proving she’s no flash in the pan, her latest single “Small Town” is every bit as impressive. This is a sweet alt-country-folk number that simply makes your soul feel good. I love the little Jewel-esque yodel in Angela’s voice and those nostalgic lyrics that make you long for a simpler time.

“‘Small Town’ was the first song I’d written where I felt like it was worthy of being recorded and released,” Angela admitted. “It’s the song that made me realise I wanted to seriously pursue being a songwriter and gave me a huge confidence boost in my songwriting skills and storytelling. I have always really wanted to release a song inspired by my country music roots, but also combine that with the indie guitar sounds that are prominent in ‘Summer Love’ and ‘Utopia’. There are a few country elements throughout the track – the ones that really stick out are the acoustic strum, brush drum beat in the first verse and chorus, and the storytelling themes which are an ode to a classic country tune. But when the second verse comes in there is a real shift to a more modern indie feel.”

Aside from making music, Angela recently dropped her first merch collection. You can check it and more of her music out on her Bandcamp page.

Image used with permission from Peach & Sons

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