Evergreener Releases Fresh New Track, “Deciduous”

Meet Evergreener, an exciting new act that’s formed from the ashes of Stand Tall. Like so many bands, the pandemic ground Stand Tall to a halt. Someone left the group, but not to be deterred they’ve decided to keep on making music under a new moniker. “Deciduous” is Evergreener’s first release, a track that shows these guys still have all the angst and energy that brought them together all those years ago.

Evergreener say their new single is “A light-hearted and positive outlook on a dark time, similar to that of deciduous leaves falling from a tree, only to grow back again more vibrant than before.”

Evergreener will support Bad Neighbour when their If No One Gets to Win EP tour rolls hits Bad Decisions Bar in Ngár-go/Fitzroy on September 10.

Image used with permission from Ruckus PR

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