MOZЁ Floors Me With Soulful Single, “Saving”

I believe you should never be too quick to judge a song. “Saving”, the new single from MOZЁ, is one of those songs that takes a little time to warm up. But when it does, wow.

This song is the definition of a slow burner. I appreciated MOZЁ’s stunning vocals from the get-go, but I wasn’t sure where the song was heading. As it builds and the electronic beat and layered synths come in, it transforms from something pretty to something truly awe-inspiring.

Explaining the meaning behind the song, MOZЁ said “I wanted to allude to my ability to dream and wonder, a core part of my soul. The danger of this is its power to take you away from the present moment, to build expectations that are not balanced with certainty. When I perform ‘Saving’, my dream manifests itself at the moment and becomes real.”

Trust in the artist. Trust in this song. You’re going to want to hear it right to the end.

Image used with permission from Kick Push PR

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