Kaeda Daze Dazzles With “Running From Something”

Like so many artists, Kendra Fewster took the last couple of years away from her craft. Now as the world seems to be returning to some kind of normal, she’s back making music under a brand new moniker. Her beautiful new single “Running From Something” is the perfect introduction to her new musical project, Kaeda Daze.

“This first release is extremely important to me. The day I began to write the song is so completely vivid in my mind. It’s funny how certain moments can stick with you. In the moment you’re so channelled toward the living and creating aspect that you don’t realise it was going to be a seminal moment for your silly little life journey,” Kaeda Daze admitted.

“The song itself sat incomplete for six to eight months. The first half was written in [Naarm] Melbourne and finally completed while I was home in WA. I sat there for hours collecting visual inspiration and a playlist of songs that spoke to me. My mind tends to work quite visually so when it came to the essence of the song I wanted to see it vividly in my mind. I ended up with a theme of blue haze, pearly white and silver armour. I wanted the track to sound like a slow motion battle in the fog; a chorus that became the clarity, the strength of the song.”

It’s been a real journey, but I’m so glad Kaeda has blessed us with this song. It’s really special. What a way to come back!

Image used with permission from Beehive PR

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