Discover the Talents of Vivien Aisi

Vivien Aisi may just be the best singer that you’ve never heard of. Born in Papua New Guinea and now living in Gimuy-walubarra Yidi/Cairns, her latest single “Take Me There” is the perfect showcase for her sultry, soulful voice.

“Take Me There is written about my love for music and where I want it to take me,” Vivien explained. “All my hopes and aspirations, in line with my relationship with music, have been a rollercoaster where I have struggled to fit into the industry, juggle a healthy balance of work, family, and at the same time stay true to who I am as a performer/singer/songwriter. I enjoy a variety of genres and don’t really write to suit a particular style. I allow creativity to take me there and produce what is authentic to me at the moment. It was a good break from all the heavy emotional stuff I generally express through my songwriting.”

With talent to spare, no doubt music is going to take Vivien exactly where she wants to go.

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