LOSER Continue Hot Streak With “Hold On You”

LOSER’s EP Stadium Dreams on a Bedroom Budget is shaping up well with the release of their latest single “Hold On You”. This fabulous rock track is a worthy follow-up to last month’s release, “Heaven Can Wait”.

“This is probably my favourite song on the EP,” said frontman Tim Maxwell. “I started listening to heaps of Aerosmith and this song just fell out in one day. Usually the songs that take less effort are the ones I think are special because your consciousness is running in a way unlike any other. This song is about having a deep connection with another human being who you never want to let go of.”

LOSER will continue releasing songs from this EP every month or so, like episodes from an addictive Netflix series. If they’re as good as the ones that have already dropped, we’re in for a real treat.

Image used with permission from beehive; credit: Ian Laidlaw

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