Mathilde Anne Makes a Splash With “Crime Scene Cadillac”

Naarm/Melbourne punktress Mathilde Anne has just dropped her fantastic new single “Crime Scene Cadillac.” It’s got the cool brooding quality of a Lorde track combined with the energy and angst of the Arctic Monkeys. It’s a strange meeting of influences, but it really works!

“’Crime Scene Cadillac’ essentially focuses on the idea of loving what isn’t good for you despite knowing that it may very well kill you. Whether it’s a person/an action or a substance… you just can’t get enough of it,” Mathilde Anne explained. “This song voices my own personal experiences with addiction and poor relationships and that feeling of living the pain. Much like buying an extra-large packet of Cheetos and eating it while watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you know that it isn’t going to end well, but you just can’t stop!”

“Crime Scene Cadillac” is already a fan favourite at Mathilde Anne’s live shows, so you can bet she’ll raise the roof at the single launch this Friday, May 26, at Naarm/Melbourne venue LongPlay.

Image used with permission from Habit Music Co.; credit: Daniel Nathans

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