Sienna Skies on the Comeback Trail With “Let it Burn”

I usually prefer my music on the mellower side of things. But every now and again something comes along that is so good that I don’t care that it rocks harder than I’m used to. “Let It Burn,” the latest track from Sienna Skies, is one of those songs.

“Let it burn, stemmed from the events that happened on the east coast of Australia during the summer of 2019/2020.” explained vocalist Thomas Pirozzi. “The appalling handling of the situation by our government, it’s like they didn’t care at all. Ignoring all the warnings of catastrophic conditions, the defunding of the State’s Rural Fire Services and National Parks. Whilst the disaster was unfolding our Prime Minister, our apparent ‘leader’, left the country for a tropical holiday, and it came to light that during this time, our state leader was flushing party money through her lover’s interests. Three billion animals killed, 400+ people killed and 2,000+ homes lost.It felt like they didn’t care at all, they just sat back and watched our country burn.”

“Let it Burn” is the band’s first release since their 2019 A Darker Shade of Truth, so it’s been a long time coming for fans. If you love the band, you’ll be happy to know they won’t leave you waiting so long for the next one. This is the first of many singles to be released in coming months. They’re also set to announce a string of shows really soon, so get excited.

Image used with permission from Capital Artist Group

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