SANNIA Slays With “august”

SANNIA is serving up a serious dose of nostalgia with her latest single “august.” It’s a beautiful track about how first love often lingers no matter how many years pass. If you still think about the one that got away, you’re going to connect with this song.

“‘August’ is the quintessential love letter to your teenage flame. It’s a song about the one that got away; the high school boyfriend that deserved better; the one you thought you’d spend forever with; you never forget your first,” said SANNIA. “I wrote ‘august’ in the middle of that Melbourne lockdown during August itself when I was looking back to better times perhaps with rose tinted glasses on. It’s a windows down, driving down the coast, wind in your hair, jasmine in the air sort of song. As a self-appointed sad girl, it’s been liberating and exciting to write my first ever love song.”

This is the third song released from SANNIA’s forthcoming debut album, James, which I’m anticipating more and more with every single I hear. We’ll get to listen when it drops on November 17.

Image used with permission from Gyro PR

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