Worm Girlz Start a Revolution With “Dirt”

Worm Girlz have come out swinging with their fierce debut single “Dirt.” If you’ve ever been harassed at a live show and felt frustrated because you just came to see the band, I know this track will resonate with you.

“I am so sick of feeling uncomfortable at gigs, I am sick of hearing that other people are feeling uncomfortable at gigs,” stressed proud Worm Girl, Jade Montgomery. “’Dirt’ is a big eff off to anyone that thinks it is okay to ignore boundaries and touch people without their consent.”

“When Jade shared the chorus of ‘Dirt’ with me for the first time I fell instantly in love with the world I saw for Worm Girlz,” added her band mate Lauren Rowe. “The rest of the song came together really quickly after that. It was electrifying.”

Apparently this song marks the start of worm domination, and I’m here for it. This band say they’re committed to the message of the song and want to work hard to promote safe habits at gigs to ensure women and members of the LGBTIA+ community feel safe at their shows. They’re also imploring other bands on the scene to do the same. Worm Girlz also hope that their queer voices can help others in the community known they’re not alone.

“There’s a saying in the asexual community, ‘I’d rather have cake’ and I love the connection in our chorus,” Lauren added.

According to the press release, “Worm Girlz is an energy; a way of life; a mantra. Why be anything else when you can be a worm girl?” Why indeed? Residents of Meeanjin/Brisbane can get on board when Worm Girlz play The Bright Before Christmas at The Brightside on December 15.

Image used with permission from Worm Girlz

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