lovemedo Wows Me With “Fake Plant on Fire”

I am really digging “Fake Plant on Fire,” the latest single from Eora/Sydney artist lovemedo. It’s so creative and catchy, a true original. And how often can you say that these days?

“’Fake Plant on Fire’ is one of those songs that in the beginning finds you in one place and, by the end leaves you in another. I wanted to make a video that took people on that same journey,” lovemedo said. “I like to step into my music videos the same way an actor would into a movie role. This video is heavily influenced by ‘art house’ mentalities and performance art. Visual art is truly an extension of my music and a big part of my creativity so I’m proud to say that ‘Fake Plant on Fire’ is the first video to be completely written, directed & edited by lovemedo”.

I am so excited by this song. It’s one of those tracks that takes you on a real ride, the sort of one that makes you want to jump back on when it finishes to experience it all over again. That music video is just the cherry on top of a very delicious dessert. More please!

Photo credit: Minor Ueda

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