Ginger & The Ghost Release Stunning New Single

Ginger & The Ghost have really impressed me with “One Type of Dark,” the first single lifted from their forthcoming EP.

The title really clues you in to what kind of track this is. It’s brooding and moody, the kind of song that takes me back to my days as an angsty teenager listening to too much Tori Amos. It’s not simply a gloomy song though. There’s a lovely interplay of light and shade, with the steady minimalist finger-picking rhythm juxtaposed with pounding percussion. You rarely hear songs with this much drama.

Ginger says it’s a song about her “inner child’s imagination. As she leaves a subconscious dream state in bed, she floats out of the window and into thoughts of otherworldly places. Questions with infinite possibilities are asked while visions of herself play out fantastical adventures across far away galaxies. It’s a celebration of our imagination and the importance of keeping it.”

Whatever it is, it’s beautiful. Don’t you agree?

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