Australian Idols Do Motown

This week the Australian Idols had the perfect platform to shine. It was Motown week: a theme that gave everyone the chance to wrap their vocals around some of the world’s greatest songs. And with Guy Sebastian sitting in as special guest judge and mentor they couldn’t go wrong! Or could they? So who rose to the challenge? Read on to find out!

Mark Spano was up first with “You Keep Me Hangin’ On.” I was a bit nervous about this, predominantly because I hate the song. It doesn’t matter who does it: The Supremes, Kim Wilde, Human Nature … I’ve hated every version I’ve heard. But I didn’t completely hate this. While he looked a little awkward doing the Motown dance moves, I was thrilled Mark embraced the theme and gave it his everything. It could have done with a little more life, but it was a solid start.

Sophie Paterson was up next with “Papa Was a Rolling Stone.” Again, this isn’t one of my favourite songs, but I really admired the attitude she gave it. It allowed us to see that sassy side which has been dormant for a little while, and I found that really enjoyable.

Luke Dickens channeled all the energy he felt from the birth of his new son into his performance of “My Girl.” Now I’m convinced I must be hormonal, because this gave me tears. It wasn’t the best performance. There were definitely pitchy moments. But the emotion behind it tipped me over the edge. It was awesome to see Luke trying something new and exploring his sensitive side.

Teale Jakubenko took on “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” this week. Vocally, he nailed it. But for me it was total cheese. I felt like I was watching something from a cruise ship. I was surprised no one called him on it, because for me it was cringeworthy. I was waiting for him to wink knowingly at the camera. I still like him a whole lot, but this just didn’t work for me unless I closed my eyes.

Chrislyn Hamilton told us all to “Get Ready” with the Temptations classic. It even scored a touchdown from Guy! I absolutely loved this. It was the first star performance of the night. It had so much energy and attitude, and we were all happy to go along with her for the ride. This was just so much fun.

Initially I felt Wes Carr copped out by choosing “If I Were a Carpenter.” Yes The Four Tops recorded it, but so many others had and I just knew Wes wouldn’t take the Motown route with it. But then he sang, and I just didn’t care. It was just so good, so sincere, so heartfelt. So what if he didn’t bring us Motown? He brought us a damn good rendition of a wonderful song.

I was so excited when I heard Roshani Priddis was singing “Reflections.” But sometimes hearing the spoilers can be a bad thing. Sometimes I think it can make you expect too much. I absolutely love that song, but it just didn’t work for me. There were flashes of brilliance, but I’m used to a whole song of brilliance from Ms Priddis.

It’s getting harder and harder to pick who’s going home, but I think either Teale or Sophie’s run might have come to an end. They’re serial offenders in the bottom three, and you just have to wonder how long they can keep on hanging in there.

Image source: @ Flickr

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