Ben Lee Gets Married … Twice!

Ben Lee has been married twice in two weeks! The Aussie singer-songwriter wed actress Ione Skye in a traditional Indian ceremony on December 29, but as this wasn’t legally recognised in Los Angeles they married again at City Hall.

“You go through a huge experience on an emotional and spiritual level, then you have to go and do the paperwork,” Ben told The Sunday Telegraph.

Around 50 of the couple’s closest family and friends attended the nupitals in Malaikodi, near Chennai on the Bay of Bengal. They included Ione’s brother Donovan Leitch, Missy Higgins, Nash and Joel Edgerton, and Jessica Chapnik. The ceremony was presided over by Ben’s spiritual guru, Sakthi Narayani Amma.

A reception was held at a nearby guesthouse, with Ben’s friend The Kahn Brothers acting as the house band. The newlyweds then took their party to a nearby orphanage, where they proceeded to perform for the children. It sounds like a big day!

Ben might be forced to postpone a honeymoon as he’s due back in Australia next month to promote his new album The Rebirth of Venus.

Image source: Newscom

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