Johnny Rock Covers Beatles for Marriage Equality

I’ve been a passionate supporter of marriage equality for years before we were debating plebiscites and postal surveys. I remember vividly when America granted marriage equality so quickly and decisively thinking perhaps the tide was turning and we wouldn’t be kept waiting too much longer. But here we are, in the middle of a period of Australian history that has unearthed so much hate and bigotry.

The sunny spot though has been the heartfelt messages of support for the Yes campaign, the way that people from all walks of life have banded together and been so vocal in solidarity for this cause. Johnny Rock of Pretty City added his voice and a whole lot of glitter to the Yes campaign recently with his cover of The Beatles “Real Love.” Because spreading a little love when there’s so much hate and anger can only be a good thing.

Johnny hopes to start a movement and encourage other musicians to record their own love song covers to help balance the hateful rhetoric. If you do, make sure to use the hashtag #lovesongsforequality. And if you’re not musical, why not lip sync something?

“I’ve have many friends who have become really upset about the negativity out there. I’ve had friends deactivate their social media accounts because it was all getting too much,” he explained. “You can support your mates with likes and hearts all you want but there’s a point where even the strongest people start to break down. So as a muso I thought I could do something else to not only support marriage equality but maybe ease some of the pain out there.”

So however you can, get involved. It’s a dark time in Australia, but your efforts can make it a little brighter.

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