Iluka Gets Me Grooving With “Sympathy”

Sydney songbird Iluka is back with a groovy new single “Sympathy,” the latest lifted from her forthcoming EP Ritual. This song has such a positive vibe, with rich horns, a clap along chorus, and powerful lyrics about social change.

“Sympathy is a song that’s been sitting in my drawer for a couple of years now,” Iluka explained. “When it was written I had this real sense of impotence and apathy within my generation. That willing or not, so many of us were becoming slaves. Slaves to technology, to consumerism, to authority, to an ideology, to expectation, to our own bodies, and to our own minds. Rather fittingly I didn’t really know what to do with the song at the time. But I feel like with all that is happening in the world right now people are being shaken awake, whether we like it or not. Silence is being broken, indifference is turning to dissidence, people are speaking up and being heard, and the time felt right to bring this song to life, to add my voice to the cause. To celebrate defiance, to champion self-expression, to promote self-belief, and to reclaim our power. As the song choruses… we want it back.”

Iluka will launch the single at the Coven Christmas Party at The Lansdowne in Sydney on December 21.

Image used with permission from Mucho Bravado

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