ScoreIT! Competition Nurtures Young Queensland Composers

If you’re a Queensland high school student with dreams of becoming the next Ennio Morricone or John Williams, make sure you enter the ScoreIT! Competition. Part of the Queensland Music Festival (QMF), the competition encourages budding composers to score a short animated film produced by the Griffith Film School. The winning entry will be performed by a live orchestra in July. Winners will also take home RØDE Microphones recording gear. Finalists will also benefit from composition workshops and masterclasses led by experts from the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University and a half-day workshop from leading video and digital agency PixelFrame.

Your entry will be judged by an all-star panel including acclaimed vocalist and QMF artistic director Katie Noonan, award-winning film composer Cameron Patrick, and industry leaders from the Griffith Film School, the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University, and the Queensland School of Film and Television.

“Music speaks – without words. I can recall many film scores that have moved me throughout the years, and I can’t wait to hear what our talented young composers come up with for the three beautiful animations produced by Griffith Film School students,” Katie Noonan said. “Many past Score IT! participants have gone on to study music at university and are still following their passion, which is exactly why we started this Queensland Music Festival project in the first place.”

There are three ScoreIT! categories: Junior (year 7-10), Senior (year 11 and 12), and Plus, which has the added challenge of composing for a specified instrumentation (year 7-12). Make sure you get yours in before May 18. Visit the Queensland Music Festival website for more information and to view the animated show films.

Image used with permission from Queensland Music Festival

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