Baltimöre Charlót Goes Her Own Way With “Metamorphosis” EP

Tasmanian alt-pop act Baltimöre Charlót is pushing the boundaries with her exciting new EP Metamorphosis. In just four tracks, Baltimöre Charlót shows she’s not afraid to do music differently.

I encourage you to track down the whole thing on your favourite digital platform, but if you just listen to one track make it the opener “Serpents.” It’s such a cool track with intelligent production and sultry vocals from Ms. Charlót.

Listening to the EP, it’s incredible to think Baltimöre Charlót wrote, recorded, and mixed it herself over just two weeks in her bedroom studio. That’s some serious talent.

The production is so important to the sound of this EP that I can’t help wondering how she sounds on stage. Hobart locals get their chance to find out when Baltimöre Charlót plays Republic Bar & Café on April 6.

Image used with permission from Pompadour PR

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