Van Rullen Rocks With “Going Away”

Melbourne’s own Van Rullen takes me back to my youth with his latest single “Going Away.” I love the emo-rock feel of this song, which really kicks in when it reaches that killer chorus. I can just imagine fans singing it out in an overcrowded venue in the not-too-distant future.

Van Rullen has certainly come a long way from his formative years, where he served as music director of a large church. While the tunes might have been vastly different, that experience helped Van Rullen grow as an artist. After leaving the church in 2017, Van Rullen explored techno sounds and ambient loops. With this song he shows he’s got a smart pop sensibility and a knack for creating modern anthems. I can’t wait to hear more from this eclectic local artist!

Image used with permission from the A&R Department

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