Merry Christmas From Sounds of Oz!

It makes me feel old to say it, but every year Christmas seems to roll around a little faster. As a kid I used to count down the days, yet now there never seems to be enough time to buy and wrap presents and make all the food for the big celebration.

I know I’m pretty lucky to be able to head to Newcastle every year to hang out with my family. There’s always plenty of wine, food, and daggy Christmas music, at least until we wrestle Mum’s Peppermint Candy Kids CDs out of the stereo. But many Aussies aren’t so fortunate. Alison Newman, a singer-songwriter from Mount Gambier, touches on what Christmas is like when you’re missing someone with her recently released Christmas song “It’s Not Christmas Without You.” Her voice has a beautiful bluesiness, and honestly something fresh goes down pretty well after a month of the same old Christmas fare.

No matter what you’re doing today, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! May it be filled with good tunes and whatever else makes you smile.

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