Hunter deBlanc Announces Aussie Bushfire Benefit Show

Widespread bushfires have devastated Australia, wiping out homes and entire towns, killing wildlife and some of the brave people working so hard to fight them. The bright light has been the way Australians and the people who care about this country have banded together to raise funds for the organizations truly making a difference. At home we’ve seen musicians staging benefit shows, from pub gigs to stadium spectaculars. Abroad we’ve seen high-profile celebs like Pink and Bette Midler writing sizeable cheques. Louisiana-based musician Hunter deBlanc is the latest international artists to throw his support behind the bushfire efforts.

Hunter spent a couple of years entertaining crowds on Australian cruise ships. During that time he developed a deep love for Australia, its people, and local music. He’ll dust off those Aussie classics for Hunter Down Under: A Benefit for Australia, at The Pearl in Lafayette on January 17. All money raised on the night will benefit the RFS.

If you’re in Australia or living somewhere else in the world, don’t worry. You can catch the show live online and donate via Hunter’s Facebook page: It all kicks off at 9:30 pm US CST. That’s 2:30 pm AEDT for the Aussies on Saturday afternoon, January 18. Check it out and give generously!

Photo credit: Nicole Bell Photography

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