TYDE Wows With First Release “Skin on Skin”

Ella Belfanti wowed me a few years ago with her first collection of songs, Going in Circles. I saw her promise then, but it’s being fully realised with the release of her first material with her new band TYDE. The band features Ella, her younger sister Zoe, and another promising young talent Josh Garnett. With their debut release “Skin on Skin,” you can hear this trio has really got something special.

I can hear the influence of acts like Florence + The Machine and Matt Corby in this music, but it’s not so strong that it drowns out their originality. This song is so well-written and the musical arrangement absolutely captivating. It starts so small and intimate but builds to a beautiful, emotionally powerful crescendo.

Ella conceived the track while working as a ski instructor last year.

“During my third back-to-back winter amongst a very transient social set, I was feeling pretty lonely. After a few drinks on a big night out, I sought out connection in a way that usually wouldn’t be my style,” she admitted. “’Skin On Skin’ is about how it didn’t make me feel the way I wanted it to.”

The trio finished the arrangement in person, and you get a sense of that collaboration in the finished recording. While this is Ella’s story, you really get the sense that this is a band effort. The video, shot at Brisbane’s West End and Tambourine, is also visually stunning.

“The concept was to create this surreal space between the reality of going home the morning after a one-night stand, and the emotional rollercoaster that can happen in your head. We wanted to capture the process of reflecting on the experience – specifically in this story, on feeling detached and feeling strange in your own skin.”

Ella Belfanti has matured a lot as an artist since I was introduced to her music three years ago. She’s also surrounding herself with people who complement her talent so beautifully. After discovering this music from TYDE, I can’t wait to hear more.

Image used with permission from TYDE

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