Eli Greeneyes Releases Retro Single “21”

WA artist Eli Greeneyes serves up some serious Brit Pop vibes with his latest single “21.” It’s rebellious, brash, and supremely catchy. The lyrics seem targeted at millennials, but if you were blasting Oasis and Blur back in the day, this will be right up your alley. That fisheye lens video is another fantastic throwback to the glory days of the ‘90s.

I’ve got to give you a language warning though. If you’re working in an office, you might want to stick your headphones on before blasting it as loud as you’ll want to!

“I wrote it in about 15 minutes about how depressed and scared I was about living my life the way I truly wanted to at 21 years old,” Eli explained. “I was becoming my own person and for some reason the thought of that was terrifying. A lot of this song is about figuring out who I am and feeling like I realised it too late, looking back at wasted time and how I wasn’t sucking the marrow out of life like I should’ve been. I was so pent up with childhood trauma and all that bullshit that I wasn’t seeing and enjoying all the positive things in front of me.”

Since he’s based in Western Australia, hopefully we’ll see Eli playing some shows around home in the New Year. Follow his Facebook page to learn about all his gigs and new tunes as they’re announced.

Image used with permission from On the Map PR

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