Billy Fox Releases Introspective Banger, “Neighbourhood”

With its effortless blend of smooth R’n’B and modern electronica, Billy Fox’s latest single “Neighbourhood” is like nothing else you’ll hear today. Wrap your ears around it and I’m sure you’ll agree, that’s a really good thing.

“There’s been a period recently where a lot of us have gone back to close quarters, spent more time at home and had more of an obvious connection to local neighbourhoods and communities. In this space, it also allowed us to reflect on and think about some pretty big issues and ideas, collectively, as a society. It feels like an important time so this song is a reflection on that,” Billy explained of the track’s inspiration.

Billy Fox is one of those exciting artists who relishes taking musical risks. I won’t say I’ve been on board with all of his releases, but I can always appreciate his artistry. And when those risks come off as well as they do here, it’s a real joy.

Image used with permission from Siege Jr.

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