Ben Ransom Celebrates Making the Most of Your Time With “Livin'”

After two years of lockdowns and event cancellations, most of us are feeling ready to get back to living the way we used to. I must admit, I’m not ready to throw my masks away just yet, but I’m starting to get a little hopeful that the concerts approaching may actually happen. Ben Ransom reflects the mood of so many at this stage of the pandemic with his new track “Livin’”.

“This song was born out of the compounding frustrations of being chained to a job, just to eke out a living … throw in the devastating effects that the couple of years has had on our industry and this song is what you get! An anthem for breaking free”, he explained. “It was a pivotal moment when I was reminded (again) that our lives are so short and that we need to make the most out of every single day. I want to live and celebrate everything the world has to offer … I have no desire to be stuck in a job I hate just to make ends meet, to then turn around at the end of it all and look back with regrets”.

Speaking of living, hopefully it’s not too long before Ben announces some shows. Surely with so many shows scrapping capacity limits, they can’t be too far away!

Image used with permission from Red Rebel Music

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