Death Mattel Score uncharTED Semifinals Slot

Sydney rockers Death Mattel have secured a place in the Tooheys Extra Dry uncharTED semifinals after impressing the folks at MTV. They will complete for a spot on the bill at Splendour in the Grass and an artist development package worth $25, 000.

“I think Death Mattel have an instant appeal,” explained MTV’s senior manager of talent artist relations, Simon Stopford. “With a smattering of samples and electronic sounds mixed into their intense punk riffs, the results grab you by the collar and demand that you pay attention. This band has been a well kept secret for far too long and it’s high time they were thrust into the spotlight.”

Death Mattel will join Brisbane band Ellington, The Music Network’s choice, in the semis. The final two media picks, from MySpace and the Street Press Collective, will be revealed in the coming weeks.

They’ll join the bands receiving the most public votes at the uncharTED website. Head to the site and cast your vote for your chance to win tickets to Splendour in the Grass!

Image used with permission from Peer Group Media

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