“Real Love in Real Life” – Greta Stanley

Greta Stanley is an artist who refuses to be pigeonholed. Just when you think you’ve got her figured out, she takes a left turn. It’s exciting. She showcases the full breadth of her artistry on her sophomore album Real Love in Real Life.

Real Love in Real Life seems like a pop record at first. The upbeat vibes of tracks like “Plant My Feet” and “Keep My Cool” match the vibrant pinks and purples on the album cover. It’s incredible pop music, energetic and fun and fresh. And then just like that, we’re on track six, “Heartbeat Harbour”, and everything changes. It’s darker, bluesier, more raw. “Hold on You” brings back the pop beats, but doesn’t shake that darkness. We’re getting to know another side of Greta. It’s different but so compelling. As the album progresses, it seems like Greta Stanley peels back more layers. “Favourite Songs” and “Close Call” are some of my favourite songs. The instrumentation is pared back, giving the honest lyrics space to breathe. They’re confessional, like diary entries, giving us real insight into the artist and her experiences. The current single “Red Earth Dirt” sees Greta return to pop princess mode, bringing the album full circle … or so I thought. However, Greta leaves us with the title track, a beautiful country song that sounds like it’d be at home in a honky tonk bar.

I must admit, it took me a little time to warm up to Real Love in Real Life. All the twists and turns took me by surprise. While I heard flashes of brilliance on the first couple of listens, I needed a little time to embrace the album as a whole. However, by the third listen, I was hooked. This is an album that challenges the listener, but since when was that a bad thing?

Real Love in Real Life is out today. She’s giving us a couple of months to familiarise ourselves with the songs before she hits the road for her headlining tour. Check her out at the following venues:

7 July 2022 – Black Bear Lodge, Brisbane
9 July 2022 – Waghorn to West Festival, Ipswich
14 July 2022 – La La La’s, Wollongong
15 July 2022 – Waywards, Sydney
16 July 2022 – Cambridge Hotel, Newcastle
22 July 2022 – Suburban Vibes, Western Australia
23 July 2022 – Four5Nine, Perth
30 July 2022 – Northcote Social Club, Melbourne
5th August 2022 – Otherwise Bar, Townsville
6 August 2022 – Tanks Art Centre, Cairns

Images used with permission from Six Boroughs

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