The Deer Republic Win Tooheys Extra Dry uncharTED

The Deer Republic has taken out this year’s first Tooheys Extra Dry uncharTED competition. The Sydney band won the title in front of a home crowd at the Oxford Art Factory last night. The prize includes a slot on this year’s Splendour in the Grass bill and an artist development package worth $25, 000. The band beat out other finalists Hot Little Hands and Foxx on Fire.

Nick Andrijic of The Deer Republic described their win as “Phenomenal; ecstasy; fantastic! I’m not just saying this because we’re gracious winners; the other two bands that played tonight are fantastic … It means the world to us to play at Splendour … the fact that we’re going to be sharing the stage with some of them [our favourite bands], it’s indescribable at the moment, I don’t think it’s going to hit me for a couple of days … we’re looking forward to it.”

This year’s second Tooheys Extra Dry uncharTED comp is now open for entries. If you’re a solo artist of band looking for your big break, head to the competition’s website to register. Who knows? It could be you winning the glory next time around!

Image used with permission from Peer Group Media

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