Wifecult Releases Powerful New Rock Track, “Hold It Down”

Today I’m rocking out to “Hold it Down,” the cool new track from Meeanjin/Brisbane-based act Wifecult. It’s got an anthemic quality and a really cathartic feel. I’m so into it. The band hopes the song might bring comfort to anyone struggling with their mental health.

“Depression is a vulnerable subject, at times cheapened and worn out by our sterile societal approach to handle it, or the overuse of ‘mental health’ vocabulary thrown around in daily conversations,” acknowledged Wifecult’s vocalist Jarith Hughes. “In its depths, this song is about watching a loved one truly struggle, lost in orbit, for a long time. Wishing I could pull them out of the dark, but still at times being there myself. It’s trying to balance compassion and empathy with practical efforts to walk through it with them. It’s not the blind leading the blind. Sometimes it takes someone who knows, by your side to ride it out together.”

“Hold it Down” is the second single released from Wifecult’s forthcoming EP Kindness in Clarity, which drops on June 9.

Image used with permission from Bigmouth PR; credit: Nick Hargans

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