PJ Harding Stuns Me With “It Wasn’t Enough”

It’s been a little while since a song stopped me in my tracks. “It Wasn’t Enough”, by local singer-songwriter and producer PJ Harding, is one of those special, rare songs. On the surface, it’s a simple folky acoustic guitar number, but it’s so much more. Stop what you’re doing and take a listen.

‘”I think ‘It Wasn’t Enough’ is a song that gets to the heart of something very true about the human condition and doesn’t necessarily make a lot of sense. It’s really one of my favorite songs I’ve ever written,” PJ said. “I only recorded one take of this vocal and it was recorded seconds after I finished writing the song. There was something magic about that moment I didn’t want to mess with.”

“It Wasn’t Enough” comes from PJ’s debut EP To Fall Asleep, which drops on June 16. You can bet I’m listening as soon as it’s released.

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