Music Blog Spotlight: Blog Action Day

Today’s blog spotlight is a little different. Rather than singling out one blog, I’ve decided to tell you about all the great blogs from the b5 music channel taking part in Blog Action Day. My fellow bloggers have come up with some really great green posts, so make sure to check them out.

As you might expect, Jennifer at Hippie Sounds is serving up plenty of environmental news today. See her cool blog for the top 10 eco-friendly musos and a cool video of original greenie Joni Mitchell performing her environmental anthem, “Big Yellow Taxi.”

Speaking of green music videos, Deb’s got plenty of them at She Plays Music. From old tree huggers like Joan Baez and The Pretenders to the new kids Björk and The Cranberries, there’s lots of clips to watch here.

Bruce, who runs Our Digital Music and The Rock Dose, is doing more than just talking about the environment. He’s doing something about it. He’ll donate 100% of his blog revenue today to Greenpeace. So by visiting these great blogs right now you’re not just in for a great read, you’re helping the environment at the same time.

Image source: Brian Garrity @ Unsplash

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