Stars Raise Awareness of Climate Change

You may have seen Cate Blanchett talking about the Who On Earth Cares website on TV, but she’s not the only Australian celebrity supporting this fantastic climate change site.

Felix Riebl (The Cat Empire), Mark Seymour, Mia Dyson, Katie Noonan, and Jen Cloher have joined more than 13, 000 Australians who’ve signed on to raise awareness of this key environmental issue.

“I care about climate change because this world is an amazing, wonderful place, and I find it depressing to think that I was part of a species that wrecked so much of that beauty,” Felix says on his Who on Earth Cares profile.

“I am concerned about climate change because it will make the very world unliveable if we let climate change continue its course,” added Mia Dyson.

So don’t let it happen! Join these celebrities and sign up on the website. You’ll be inspired by the cool energy saving tips. The site will even help you compose a letter encouraging your local government member to develop more responsible climate change policies. But my favourite part is the interactive map, which lets you read what other environmentally conscious folks are doing in your neighbourhood. Check it out!

Image source: Stuart Sevastos @ Wikimedia Commons

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