Screaming Jets Split Shatters Rock Fans

I must admit, as a proud former Novacastrian, I read a recent story in the Sydney Morning Herald with great sadness. No, it wasn’t the floods or the Knights latest defeat that had me shattered. It was the news that Grant Walmsley and Dave Gleeson of the Screaming Jets are unsure when, if ever, they will play together again.

Some of my very first concert experiences were Screaming Jets shows. For many, being slammed up against a stage, the only female amongst a throng of drunk, rowdy men probably doesn’t sound like fun. But I was in heaven. Watching the chemistry between this passionate vocalist and brilliant songwriter/guitarist was truly something to behold.

Yet the musos, who met as high school students 17 years ago, haven’t spoken since last October. The Jets continue to play gigs, but Grant’s absence is notable.

“Since we finished the album in Melbourne it’s been a parting of ways and a realisation that after 17 years some relationships don’t work,” explained Dave.

“Maybe it will work out one day, but at the moment we are in different directions and have different commitments.”

While Dave and the boys are keeping the Jets legacy alive, Grant’s new band Agents of Peace will release their debut album in October.

No one’s sure why the boys aren’t talking, but one thing’s for sure – The Screaming Jets will be a lesser band because of it.

Image source: Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer @

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