Q & A with Nikki Jenson

Nikki Jenson, or Nikki J as she’s known on stage,  is the latest young hopeful on the way to country music stardom with the help of the Telstra Road to Tamworth competition. I recently caught up with the Queensland girl who’s just taken out the Cairns heat to chat about the competition, her love of country music, and the dreams she has for her musical career.

You just won the Cairns heat of the Telstra Road to Tamworth. What was it like to be part of that competition?
It was a bit of a whirlwind on the day. The wet weather meant a last minute venue change from the lovely esplanade to a little hotel conference room, which made the process a lot more intimate and daunting. But it was such a great experience to see how much talent there is in North Queensland and see what Telstra are doing for the development of music in Australia. It ended up being a very fun day win or lose, and obviously I was incredibly stoked to win.

I hear that you were stunned to win the Cairns competition. Why was it such a surprise to you?
Well I am only very new to performing my own songs and the songwriting game. So as each person got up I became more nervous because they were just SO good, and I was just thinking the whole thing would at least be really good experience for me. I thought one of the others would win it for sure. So when they announced my name I was just genuinely shocked, but very very happy. This is one of the first serious steps I’ve taken with my own music and I was really excited to that I was successful.

I believe you’ve only just returned to performing and songwriting. What inspired you to get back to it?
All the time while I was at university I was singing on and off but all my other music fell away as I was busy pursuing my “real job.” All that time I felt a massive void and longing for music, so I promised myself that when I moved away for work that I would pick up a guitar and try to start writing. I moved into a gorgeous one-bedroom apartment right on the water at Clifton Beach, and I have to say that location combined with the big life change was very conducive to creativity.

After your break from music, what inspired you to get back out in front of people in this competition?
There is a guy named Terry Doyle who runs a singer/songwriter night at a place called Mondo’s here in Cairns. I had heard about him, so went along to watch and he made me play him one of my songs, and he immediately made me get up on stage and play. I have been going back every week since pretty much and and every time you learn something different, he is very good with feedback and encouraging, so I suppose that along with some pushing from friends helped me get in front of people.
Did it make it more daunting to perform alongside some of the more seasoned performers?
YES!! Of course! But they were very encouraging.

What do you love about being on stage?
I love it when I can see just one person connecting with my music, whether it’s just enjoying the melody or relating to the lyrics. It’s a rush to know what I’ve gone through can translate to someone else’s life. And I just love making music!

What it is about country music that you’re so passionate about?
Country music is very honest, the simple story telling element can rarely be found in other genres so that makes it very easy to connect to. It’s freeing.

It’s a long way from Cairns to Sydney for the boot camp. Are you looking forward to it?
Absolutely, I love Sydney! And I can’t wait to get down there and learn more and hopefully grow as an artist at the workshop! And be around some like minded people will also be very fun!

You work as a sports journalist, so does that make you more excited to perform at the Sydney 500 as part of your prize?
SO excited! It’s like two wins in one!! I love V8 racing and am absolutely keen to perform at the event. Hopefully the crowds will like my music!

Where do you hope this competition leads you?
Nashville!! And the USA whether it be as part of a prize or on my own terms! I love my job but music is my first love and what I think I am meant to do. I just want to keep growing as an artist. I also really want to and need to record!! Hopefully get my music out there to as many people as possible! And hopefully they will like it.

Image used with permission from Javelin Australia

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