Mushu Back with “Bandit”

Mushu wowed me last year with their self-titled EP, so I’m thrilled to hear they’re back in the spotlight with a brand new single “Bandit.” Just like a thief in the night, this alt-country love song will steal your heart with its rich harmonies and buzzing synths.

The song, which drops digitally on June 10, shows us how much the band has developed their folky, poppy, alt-country sound since that EP. No doubt that maturity has come about through the band’s relentless touring schedule, which saw them take in America and Canada in between recording sessions.

We’ll get the chance to see Mushu on home stages when they launch “Bandit” next month with an east coast tour. Here are the dates!

11 June 2011 – Phoenix Bar, Canberra
23 June 2011 – The Lansdowne, Sydney
2 July 2011 – Beetle Bar, Brisbane
9 July 2011 – Bondi Music Festival, Sydney
22 July 2011 – Oxford Art Factory, Sydney

Image used with permission from Positive Feedback

One thought on “Mushu Back with “Bandit”

  1. Saw Mushu last year. It’s only going to get better. Their new stuff is mindblowing.

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