Q & A with Natalie Gauci

Natalie Gauci took out the Australian Idol competition way back in 2007, burning brightly during the competition but seemingly fading from view almost as quickly. With a new EP under her belt and an upcoming tour Natalie’s ready to emerge from the shadows and win over Australia all over again. I caught up with Natalie recently to chat about her time on the talent quest, her new music, and the Aussie shows to come.

Most music fans would remember you from Australian Idol in 2007. A lot of time has passed since then and now. Why’s it taken so long for us to hear your original material?
Yes I have been under the radar for a few years and I’m now ready to pop out my shell.  I’ve been working hard on writing and recording my music and also finding the right home for it and that takes time. After Idol I had to find my true identity. Idol gave me the platform to now achieve what I’ve always wanted to achieve which is to record and write my own music and travel with it all over the world. It also gave the confidence to be who I am today.

How do you look back on your time with the show?
I look back and cry because I get so emotional. I forget how amazing it was, how many people were so supportive of me and my performances and how I gave it my all, I gave it everything I had. It reminds me of where I came from and what is important to me, not just with music but with my family and friends and my fans.

You got a lot of criticism when your Idol single and album were released because they didn’t match the chart success of the winners that came before. How did you deal with that?
It doesn’t bother me at all. Times change and record sales were just getting worse overall. Critics can say what they like really but it doesn’t affect me. I just make sure I do the best I can with what I’ve got.

Part of your prize was a record deal with Sony, yet you left them before releasing anything other than the prerequisite Winner’s Journey album. Why did you feel the label wasn’t the right fit for you?
I had been wanting to release “Best of Me” ever since I won Idol. I wrote it after the Winner’s Journey tour and always dreamed of recorded it with my soul band. The direction I was heading in didn’t feel right. My instinct was telling me to do what was in my heart and “Best of Me” was in my heart at that time.

“Best of Me” is your new single. What can you tell me about the song?
I wrote this song about how I was feeling when I was in a relationship that wasn’t really a relationship. We were friends with benefits. I wanted him to be my “boyfriend” and I wanted something more but it just didn’t happen. It’s about feeling lonely and rejected.

“Best of Me” is going to feature in the new Australian movie Big Mamma’s Boy, which I believe you’re making a cameo in. What was it like to step into the acting world?
Acting is totally fun!! I absolutely LOVED it!! Everyone was so professional and I learnt a lot about how it all works behind the scenes. I just feel really lucky to be a part of this movie because it’s Australian and it’s very well done.

Did you get a taste for acting while working on that project?
Yup I definitely did. I’d love to do more but I think I would need some coaching for sure!! I’m still conscious of the camera being there sometimes so I’d have to work on trying to be natural and not thinking that there are cameras around!

You’re going to travel around the country to support “Best of Me” next month. It’s a long time since you’ve played such high-profile shows here. Are you looking forward to it?
I can’t wait! I’m very excited, I’ve got so much pent up energy and music that I’m so excited to share with everyone. Not only do I have songs from my EP, I am giving away free samples of my new album and will be performing some even newer songs from my second album that I’ve been working on. So I’ve made up an hour and a bit worth of acoustic piano, live and electronic samples/beats and some jazz/soul numbers for my live show.

After you wrap up this tour, what else is on the horizon for you?
I have been offered some fantastic opportunities in Europe that I have decided to pursue. I have completed an album that I’ll be taking with me. I will be touring with it as well as releasing some dance/electronic music with some independent labels. I’m also planning the release of the album titled HA HA HA which is very exciting!

You can see Natalie doing her thing at the following shows later this month.

23 June 2011 – Brisbane Jazz Club, Brisbane
24 June 2011 – El Rocco, Kings Cross
25 June 2011 – Coogee Diggers, Coogee
26 June 2011 – The Brass Monkey, Cronulla
30 June 2011 – The Promethean, Adelaide
3 July 2011 – Bennett’s Lane, Melbourne

Image used with permission from Revolutions per Minute

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