Major Label Releases New Singles Batch

Major Label, General Pants Co.’s singles record label, is chugging along with three new releases this month.

This time around the innovative program introduces us to Sydney garage rockers The Faults and their tune “Quarter,” Melbourne punks Ross de Chene Hurricanes and their not so sweet single “Sugar, Honey,” and my pick, the retro electro beats of Melbourne’s City Calm Down with “Sense of Self.” These songs, and the releases from previous months, are all currently streaming at the General Pants Co. website. It takes a bit of practice to navigate the site without the annoying band bio bubbles appearing, but it’s worth the perseverance.

If you want to see your band’s tune alongside them, just take your demo into any General Pants Co. store and cross your fingers. The initiative has helped bands secure national tours, festival slots, and some major supports, so who knows where it could take you!

Image used with permission from Peer Group Media

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