David Campbell @ Belmont 16s, Awabakal Country/Belmont – 20 September 2024

This blog tells that on Friday night I saw my ninth David Campbell show. And I’m not counting seeing him in “Dream Lover” and on the bill of George Michael and Disney tribute nights. So what keeps me coming back show after show? It’s just always a great time. It’s as simple as that.

He’s such a successful TV host that I think some people forget what an incredible singer he is. As that career in front of the camera has taken more time and focus, it seems even David questions it. He said that he wondered whether people would still come to the shows. Looking around at the beaming faces in the packed suburban auditorium, I think he got his answer.

After so many years in the recording studio and on the stage, David’s got such a wide catalogue of crowd-pleasers to choose from. The hits came thick and fast, peppered with banter from this charismatic entertainer. No matter when you came to his music and no matter your favourite era, you would have left satisfied. My parents were thrilled for the Good Lovin’ songs. My dad sang enthusiastically along to “Jackie Wilson Said,” a track from his favourite singer Van Morrison. My mum was instantly transported back to being a teenager, when her eyes locked with a singer performing in Battle of the Bands, when he flawlessly sang “How Can I Be Sure.” My husband and I were thrilled his ’80s album Let’s Go, far from a commercial success, wasn’t entirely forgotten. Most of DC’s fans probably don’t remember the decade as fondly as we do, but they couldn’t begrudge us spirited covers of “Come on Eileen” and “Tainted Love.”

We learned pretty early that DC’s mind was half on the Swannies game, but it certainly didn’t show in his performance. In fact, it seemed to spur him on. He insisted that he wouldn’t leave until the game was done, and when they did win it gave a little extra excitement to “Shout.” He must have sung that Johnny O’Keefe classic hundreds of times, but never felt quite as jubilant as in that moment.

David said many times that it had been far too long since he played for us all and thanked us so warmly for our warm reception. Hopefully that means he won’t leave us waiting too long for his return. I’m definitely ready to bring my show tally into the double digits. David will wrap up his current run of Good Lovin’ & More shows when he plays Twin Towns Services Club in Bundjalung Country/Tweed Heads on November 2.

Image source: own photos

Sunset Boulevard @ Opera House, Eora/Sydney – 12 September 2024

I can’t remember ever feeling as apprehensive about a night at the theatre as I did heading to the Opera House last night to catch Sunset Boulevard. When Opera Australia announced it would bring theatre legend Sarah Brightman to Australia to play Norma Desmond, we were thrilled. We purchased tickets as soon as they went on sale, forking out big bucks (and let’s face it, most decent seats commanded big bucks) to see this once-in-a-lifetime talent. But it seemed almost as quickly as Sarah arrived in Naarm/Melbourne for that city’s season the bad reviews went to press. The Guardian said she was “simply not up to the task … not physically, not dramatically, and certainly not vocally.” ArtsHub called her “woefully miscast,” noting that “it’s clear she does not possess the skills to play Norma”. Members of theatre communities I’m a part of on Facebook suggested understudy Sylvie Paladino was far superior, and insisted people should try to get tickets for her performances. All the chatter made me … concerned. I braced myself for the worst. Last night I walked out pleasantly surprised and wondered why the criticism had been so loud.

I don’t pretend to be an authority on Sunset Boulevard. I knew Norma Desmond was a faded star from the golden age of Hollywood who would collaborate with a young writer on a new script to relaunch her career. I knew the famous “Mr DeMille I’m ready for my close-up” line without any context and “As If We Never Said Goodbye” has long been a favourite theatre song, although again I didn’t know where it fitted into the story. I’m glad I didn’t have any preconceptions though. It meant I couldn’t compare this production to any others, I could just get swept up by the story. And I did. More than once my mouth was hanging open, shocked at the plot twists and turns.

It also meant that I couldn’t compare Sarah’s performance to the Norma Desmonds who came before. It seems some of the criticism comes from Sarah’s unique vocals. Certainly her angelic voice is a world away from the earthier tones of a Patti Lupone or a Glenn Close. Her operatic style was also a world away from the more straightforward theatre delivery of her fellow players. But she was Norma Desmond. The greatest star of them all, as we’re repeatedly told. She should stand out on that stage. I’ve read criticisms of Sarah’s voice in some of those Melbourne reviews, but I didn’t hear anything that should be picked apart. I’m not sure if she’s simply found her groove after an extended time away from the stage or they were being ruthless, but I felt blessed to witness her talents. I was especially wowed by “As If We Never Said Goodbye,” but I honestly felt like she didn’t put a foot or a note wrong.

The criticism of Sarah’s acting also feels below the belt to me. This is absolutely a demanding role. Most of us don’t know the level of madness Sarah was attempting to capture, so it’s difficult for us to say whether she did it well or not. I felt she inhabited the character, bringing all of her age and experience to the role. At 64, with extended time away from the stage, the parallels between Sarah and Norma are evident. Norma is clearly more unhinged, delusional, and off-the-wall, but Sarah took on all of that. I believed her, and I’m not sure you can ask more of an actor than that.

Sarah is the star, and quite rightly so, but she’s supported beautifully by the rest of the cast. Tim Draxl and Robert Grubb are some of the nation’s best. Ashleigh Rubenach has taken on major roles in smaller productions, but most often she’s part of the ensemble. She showed such promise as Betty, shining every time she stepped on stage. I’ve often marvelled at the depth of talent we have here in Australia. We can bring a star like Sarah here, and it’s wonderful when we do, but we honestly don’t need to.

While I’m heaping praise on the production, it’d be remiss of me not to mention the incredible set. I haven’t seen grandeur like it. Bringing a story that began as a film to life on the stage is always a hard ask; I can’t recall a team ever doing it so well. It was immersive, impressive, and beautiful.

If you’re plugged into the theatre community like me, you may have already written Sunset Boulevard off. Don’t. I’m not sure whether it’s found its feet in Sydney or people were simply unkind, but it’s an exciting revival. Sarah Brightman is a natural Norma Desmond, but every actor plays their part to make this production so special. Go see it, and Sarah, while you can. Sunset Boulevard plays at the Opera House in Eora/Sydney until November 1.

Image source: own photo

Hamilton @ Lyric Theatre, Eora/Sydney – 3 September 2024

When Hamilton made its Australian debut in 2021, we were the only nation in the world playing Lin-Manuel Miranda’s masterpiece. It was a beacon of hope, not just for the locals here coming out of lockdowns but for the world’s theatre community. I saw it in April 2021, thrilled to celebrate my birthday out in the world when the last was spent locked down. It seemed like kismet to see the musical on stage that had brought some colour to a very grey 2020. The Sydney season began smoothly, but was plagued by more lockdowns. Many people had their tickets cancelled, so it’s only right that now the production has made its return.

I was so impressed by the original Australian cast, but I think this latest run may top the first. I was obsessed with Vidya Makan’s performance as Eliza. There’s such a beautiful joy and innate goodness about her presence on stage. Her version of “Burn” ripped my heart out. Googoorewon Knox brought the right amount of gravitas and sexiness to George Washington. I feel like Brent Hill has grown into his role of King George and really made it his own with an incredible mix of farce and ire. Gerard-Luke Malgas brought all the charisma to his dual parts of Lafayette and Jefferson, all while never missing a beat of those rapid-fire raps.

But I’ve got to give a special mention to Marcus John. When he stepped out and said his name was Alexander Hamilton, my immediate thought was, “No you’re not!” Jason Arrow set such a high bar for this role, so I felt my gut sink when I saw his understudy was taking the stage. My reservations faded quickly though. Hamilton is such a tough role. He’s got the lion’s share of the musical’s many, many lyrics, but he’s also such a complex character, brilliant and inspiring but abrasive and selfish. It takes incredible skill to get it all right. When we have talents like Marcus waiting in the wings, it just shows how good this company is.

In 2021, I saw Hamilton from the nosebleed seats. I’d invited my whole family along, so I felt I needed to make compromises. This time around I relished my front row dress circle seats. I noticed little moments I hadn’t seen before, even though I’ve seen the pro shot countless times on Disney+. The beauty of seeing this musical live is that you can take it all in, not just what the camera wants you to see. My mum made the trip with my husband and me and said she took so much more from seeing the show a second time.

I often criticise producers for staging the same musicals and never taking a chance on anything new, but it makes sense for Hamilton to come back considering its disrupted first act in Australia. But even if that hadn’t happened, I’d want to see Hamilton on our stages again. It’s such a powerful musical. Every time I see it, it stirs something deep in me. I feel it in my chest as the company delivers songs like “One Shot” and “The Battle of Yorktown.” I feel it in my heart, wiping away tears every time they perform “It’s Quiet Uptown” and “Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story”. The Hamilton Australia website says it’s now playing “the final Australian season.” I hope against hope that isn’t true. But if you haven’t seen Hamilton yet, don’t risk it. If this is your only time to see this incredible musical, you do not want to miss out.

Hamilton is at the Lyric Theatre until January 5. Tickets are on sale now from Ticketmaster.

Image source: own photo

Macy Gray @ The Art House, Darkinjung Country/Wyong – 10 July 2024

Cast your mind back to 1999. The video that played at the start of last night’s concert made it easy for me, but I’ll give you a refresher. “Mambo No. 5” was Australia’s highest charting single. Cher was on the comeback trail with “Believe.” A young starlet called Britney Spears made a splash with “Hit Me Baby One More Time.” And we were introduced to Macy Gray, thanks to her smash debut On How Life Is.

While that footage took us on a trip down memory lane, it didn’t quite capture what made listening to music in 1999 so special. Radio and television programs like Rage and Video Hits were a springboard for discovering albums. Once you’d buy one, it would live in your stereo until your next purchase. We didn’t have Limewire yet, let alone Spotify, so you’d immerse yourself in a record for much longer before moving on to the next. I hadn’t picked up On How Life Is for years, but when I revisited it a couple of months ago I found I still knew every word. After a quick refresher, I was pumped for Macy’s show at the Art House in Wyong.

I’ve got to say, what a thrill it was to see an international artist of her calibre at our intimate local theatre. It holds just 500 people; there are no bad seats. It’s a special place where you feel like you can make a real connection with the performer and their fans. I can only hope Macy’s appearance paves the way for more massive acts so close to home.

Macy was here to celebrate the 25th birthday of On How Life Is, which she played virtually front to back in the first part of the show. Of course she’d leave us waiting for her monster smash “I Try,” and the album’s final track “The Letter” was such a natural closer that would need to wait too. But otherwise the nostalgic tracks flowed easily from one to the next. Macy stopped briefly to introduce us to her incredible band, and invite us to yell our own names so she could get to know us too. There was an off-the-wall story about meeting a koala on the streets of Wyong, who promptly jumped for her when he heard she hoped to meet a kangaroo. It was weird and wonderful, and totally Macy.

I’d be remiss if I pretended that it was a perfectly executed show. Without any backing singers, moments exposed weaknesses in her vocals, especially the stripped-back ballad “Still”. But Macy’s vocals have never been flawless. They’re richly textured, and while some parts may be a little weaker than they once were other parts of her voice left me speechless. Every song she delivered with such heart and conviction and joy that it was difficult to fault even the imperfections.

I knew Macy planned to sing songs from On How Life Is early in the show, but I was intrigued by how she’d fill the back end. As she launched into the jazz standard “Sunny,” I knew we were in for some surprises. I strapped myself in and enjoyed the ride. Her unexpected cover of Radiohead’s “Creep” was a delight. Her bandmates had a time to shine with a drum solo and a 90s-inspired DJ set which gave Macy time to change from one fabulous outfit to the next. She told us that tonight would be a “fuck everything” night and encouraged us to forget about the rules and what other people might think of us before urging us to our feet for “Sexual Revolution.” I, for one, took her words to heart. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt more free.

Listening to the cries of “Finally” when Macy played “I Try,” I’d wager a few people bought tickets on the strength of that song. I personally can’t imagine seeing a show for one song, but tracks with that kind of power and potency so many years after their release are rare. It’s a special song, and while I’d heard many favourites that night, I loved being a part of the sing-along that clearly touched Macy’s heart.

I thought she’d move straight on to “The Letter” and we’d be done, but Macy had other ideas. While the night traded heavily on nostalgia, Macy was proud to show us she’s still got some fresh tunes. She played us a little of her latest single “I Am”, then taught us vocal parts and dance moves before leading us in a somewhat chaotic (our fault!) but fabulously fun version. The song is so catchy I heard people singing it as we left the theatre! Macy sent us on our way with “The Letter”, the final track from her landmark debut, such a feel-good ending for an excellent night out. It ensured I wasn’t left wanting in this show that was 25 years in the making for me. Macy was everything I hoped for: a magnificent, colourful (in every sense of the word), talented delight. I am so glad I finally got the chance to see her in all her glory.

Macy has just a few more dates left on her Australian tour. Catch her anywhere you can:

11 July 2024 – The Playhouse, Ngambri/Canberra
12 July 2024 – Anita’s Theatre, Woolyungah/Wollongong
13 July 2024 – Enmore Theatre, Eora/Sydney

Images: own photos

The Dreggs @ Enmore Theatre, Eora/Sydney – 28 June 2024

2024 might be the year of The Dreggs. Seven years since releasing their debut single, they dropped their incredible first album Caught in a Reverie. It’s one of my favourites this year. They’ve also just played their first show at the Enmore Theatre, a bucket list venue for the duo from Yarun/Bribie Island. I was so thrilled to be there to share this milestone with the band.

While Friday was The Dreggs’ night, it was really a celebration of local talent. I was unfamiliar with This New Light from Kabi Kabi and Jinibara Country/Sunshine Coast, but he made such a big impression on me. It’s challenging for an emerging artist to fill a theatre with only an acoustic guitar for the majority of the set, but he had me hanging on his every word. His chilled-out folk music was the perfect primer for the evening. He was so sweet too, genuinely humble as he told us how much he’d appreciate us checking out his tunes on Spotify or giving him a follow on Instagram. How could we say no?

I’ve been raving about GRAACE’s music since 2018 (about as long as The Dreggs!), so I was thrilled to finally catch her on stage. Her pop tunes weren’t a natural fit for a night like this, but she owned the stage. I loved watching her dance around as she delivered some of my favourite songs like “Jealous Type” and “Love is Getting Wasted.” Rather than a full band, GRAACE shared the stage with an incredible guitarist. Again, it wasn’t the most natural choice for an alt-pop artist, but I loved seeing her shred. They both got their rock star moment when GRRACE slipped in an unexpected cover of Kings of Leon’s “Use Somebody” that had everyone singing along.

You could feel the energy shift when Then Dreggs’ stepped out. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen such an enthusiastic reception for a local act. Sure, I’ve seen people excited when big names like John Farnham and Jimmy Barnes step out, but those guys are so big that their audience becomes a little diluted by people who’ve simply enjoyed the songs on the radio. When you see an act like The Dreggs, everyone there is incredibly passionate. It’s a beautiful thing to be part of. New songs? Already across them. Old favourites? Everyone was following the band then too so we’re all prepared to sing along to every word.

I knew The Dreggs would sound good, but I don’t think I was quite prepared for exactly how good. The music I loved on their recordings went to the next level on the stage. Paddy Macrae’s banjo was incredible, and the full band brought a new depth to some of those early tracks. These guys are tight. There’s a natural chemistry between Paddy and Zane Harris forged from years of friendship. Their harmonies are second to none. But the whole band gelled together so fabulously. It was a joy to watch the music they created.

They may have a few more rungs on the board than their first support act The New Light, but The Dreggs have a similar humility. They remarked several times that playing the Enmore was something they’ve strived for throughout their career. You could see they didn’t take that moment for granted. They thanked the crowd for their support earnestly and even gifted a fan singing every lyric a merch pack. That pack could have gone to so many people, because every song was a singalong. So many numbers had fans up on their feet, dancing enthusiastically, whether they were on the floor or up in the dress circle. That’s right, even among the seats where people normally want to chill, the show was often a party.

Those party vibes were balanced with sombre moments when Paddy spoke about the duo’s commitment to discussing mental health issues. They’ve explored these issues throughout their time as a band, but perhaps never as eloquently as on the album Caught in a Reverie, a record anchored in grief and what it takes to work through it. It was so powerful seeing these guys using this platform to speak about a topic few men willingly discuss. Hats off to them. Those dark moments were balanced so beautifully with lighter tracks like “She Picks Flowers,” “Keepsake,” and the triumphant final number “Hold Me Closer,” which had us all singing along with its “da da” refrain.

The Dreggs will soon take their show to Aotearoa/New Zealand before closing out the year with a few local dates. Catch them anywhere you can. I promise you’ll have a ball.

19 July 2024 – Hotel Brunswick, durring/Brunswick Heads
26 July 2024 – The Church, Christchurch
27 July 2024 – U Bar, Dunedin
28 July 2024 – Yonder, Queenstown
1 August 2024 – San Fran, Wellington
2 August 2024 – The Tuning Fork, Auckland
7 August 2024 – The Station, Ngarigo Country/Jindabyne
6 October 2024 – Long Jetty Festival, Darkinjung Country/Long Jetty

Photo credit: own photos

Donovan Woods @ Darling Nikki’s, Gadigal and Wangal Country/St Peters – 21 June 2024

I discover some amazing artists through this blog. I hear about their shows and think they’d be great live, but I often don’t actually make it to the gigs. Then there are the rare artists like Donovan Woods, who capture my heart so quickly that I know I need to be there. That’s how I found myself at new inner-city venue Darling Nikki’s on Friday night, just a couple of months after hearing his music for the first time. As I looked around at the blokes dressed in flannel and trucker hats, emulating Donovan’s signature look, I knew most people had followed his career for a lot longer. But I always say, it doesn’t matter when you find an artist; just that you do.

Darling Nikki’s was a last-minute venue option after The Great Club’s (hopefully temporary) shutdown. It’s wonderful that Darling Nikki’s stepped up, but I couldn’t help but think of what might have been. While I hadn’t yet been to the Great Club, a friend praised its relaxed vibe, with plenty of seating to chill. That was the kind of atmosphere that an artist like Donovan really needed. Darling Nikki’s small standing-room venue would be ideal for an up-and-coming rock act, but it didn’t feel right for gentle folk music.

You could have been forgiven for thinking Hayley Warner was the main event, rather than the support act. She got a rapturous response when she took to the stage, although she was quick to tell us that many of those cheering loudest were her family members and friends. Personally I was pretty excited to see how this artist, who I remember fondly from Australian Idol in 2009, had blossomed. She was an angsty teenager then, delivering some of the best rock music the competition’s ever seen. The years have mellowed her music, and helped her become one of the best songwriters I’ve heard in some time. I loved her originals, some of which you might have heard. A little Katy Perry hit called “Never Really Over” by any chance? Hayley’s been living in Los Angeles for the last 12, writing tracks for other artists like Ms. Perry, and being “miserable,” as she joked, perhaps not entirely tongue-in-cheek. Clearly she relished the opportunity to be here at home, playing for loved ones, making jokes that might not have been as well received Stateside, covering songs that the Americans simply don’t know. She encouraged us to sing along to John Farnham’s “Burn For You” and Tina Arena’s “Sorrento Moon,” soaking up that Aussie enthusiasm. When she announced her final song I had to check my watch. Surely she wasn’t done yet! We were having so much fun.

The fun ramped up when Donovan Woods took the stage. That might seem a strange word to use for an artist who makes fairly mellow folk music, but this was one of the most fun gigs I’ve attended in some time. I knew the music would be amazing. Donovan’s recordings are pretty stripped back, so I knew just hearing him sing his songs with an acoustic guitar was my idea of a good time. What I didn’t prepare myself for was just how funny it is.

After wrapping up the first song “It’ll Work Itself Out,” he told us that would be the show. Just some gentle guitar music, some whispery singing, maybe he’d grab the other guitar but that was as dynamic as things would get. So if we wanted to get out now, he’d understand. Of course, no one headed for the door. I hung onto his every word as he played his music. But I enjoyed his hilarious repartee between tracks every bit as much. If this music thing didn’t work out, he could have easily had a career on the stand-up circuit. At one point he asked us whether he was talking too much, but my favourite gigs are always those ones where the artist shares themselves, not just the music. I found myself gaining an even deeper appreciation of songs like “Man Made Lake” and “Leave When Go” after hearing the stories behind them.

I grasped my husband’s hands just a little bit tighter as Donovan played favourite songs like “Seeing Other People,” “Last Time I Saw You”, and recent single “Back for the Funeral.” I know I’m fairly new to Donovan’s music, but I thought it was an incredible set that really celebrated his discography, including the soon-to-be-released album Things Were Never Good If They’re Not Good Now, (not Get Loose as it might have been! If you know, you know). Given that Donovan was touring solo, I expected we’d miss his gorgeous duets, so I was thrilled when he called for a volunteer to sing “I Ain’t Ever Loved No One” with him. I was even more chuffed to discover that volunteer, Talia (so sorry if I’ve spelled your name wrong!) was incredible. The best one yet, according to Donovan. What a special moment in an evening that was already so special.

Normally once an artist has several albums under their belt, you’ve missed the opportunity to see them play an intimate show. But Donovan hasn’t quite broken through here, so I got to be in a crowd of no more than 80 dedicated fans who soaked up every moment. Up close and personal with one of the best songwriters on the planet. I can’t think of a better way to spend a Friday night.

Image source: own photos

Club Broadway @ Tumbalong Park, Eora/Sydney – 10 June 2024

Attending a Club Broadway event has been on my bucket list for a while. As an unashamed theatre nerd, the thought of coming together with other theatre nerds, singing along to showtunes while I danced like nobody’s watching always seemed like some kind of heaven. But as someone who remains a little COVID-cautious, I couldn’t quite bring myself to attend one of the indoor club events. I couldn’t believe it when they announced a free outdoor event for Vivid, which unfortunately clashed with last week’s Jason Singh show. But then the rains came down, the event was washed out, and the stars aligned with a rescheduled show. Last night I was off to my first ever Club Broadway event!

It was every bit as glorious as I hoped for. The generous space in Tumbalong Park meant that my husband and I could find a little bit of room away from the throng, while others could make connections with like-minded folk near the stage. An overture of musical hits psyched up the crowd before the appearance of Carmen Geddit doing her best Tracy Turnblad to “Good Morning Baltimore” from Hairspray. DJ Dan Murphy was a generous host, warm and welcoming to the Club Broadway veterans and newcomers alike. We were encouraged to sing and dance, to Shazam songs we weren’t familiar with and relish the ones we were. The set was a celebration of Broadway, from classic musicals to newer smashes like Hamilton and Wicked. Every 15 minutes or so, guest performers would treat us to a “show”. I relished every moment of Coco Jumbo’s “Circle of Life,” Minnie Cooper’s, “Singing in the Rain”, and Erin Clare’s “Part of Your World.” The mix of local drag queens and theatre royalty was perfect.

I must say, at my age I doubted whether I could last the three hours on my feet. However, even though there were seats available not far from us, my husband and I were never even tempted to sit down. We were having far too much singing and dancing. I’ll forever remember him playing Alexander Hamilton to my Angelica in “Satisfied,” belting like Idina to “Defying Gravity,” and shaking and shimmying until our vocals were severely compromised during “You Can’t Stop the Beat.” I loved DJ Dan’s costume changes and props. His enormous flag brought the right amount of gravitas to “Do You Hear the People Sing,” while his sequined nun’s outfit worked double-duty for “Do-Re-Mi” and “I Will Follow Him.”

While I’m not sure when I’ll get to another Club Broadway event, I know it won’t be my last. I can only hope it won’t be too long before they take the show outdoors again! Until then, you can enjoy the Club Broadway experience at one of the following shows:

16 June 2024 – Casey’s Farewell @ Universal, Eora/Sydney
29 June 2024 – Wonderland, Meeanjin/Brisbane
6 July 2024 – Chasers, Naarm/Melbourne
20 July 2024 – A Winters Ball @ Ivy, Eora/Sydney
27 July 2024 – The Court, Boorloo/Perth
31 August 2024 – Mary’s Poppin, Tarntanya/Adelaide

Image source: own photo

Jason Singh @ Avoca Beach Theatre, Darkinjung Country/Avoca Beach – 1 June 2024

If it wasn’t already abundantly clear, I love Avoca Beach Theatre. It’s such a charming venue committed to showcasing the country’s best artists. It doesn’t hurt that it’s also less than half an hour from my house. So even though I already had tickets for Richard Clapton on Friday night, when Jason Singh’s show was moved to the Saturday I held on to my tickets. I’m still young enough to back up, right? At least I am if they’re local!

I must admit, for a while there I wasn’t sure whether the gig would happen. There was that postponement, and I wondered whether slow ticket sales were to blame. When I checked in on the seating chart a couple of days before the gig, less than a third of the venue’s 280 seats sold. With torrential rains on the night, there were plenty of no-shows. However, rather than lacking in atmosphere, this was probably the most electric gig I’ve witnessed at the venue.

Support act Brett Wood got a warm reaction for his bluesy originals. He was good. Really good. The sort of good that’s worked with Tommy Emmanuel and Stevie Ray Vaughan’s drummer good. The sort of good that leaves me impressed by his guitar prowess, even though I’ve seen masters like Prince, Carlos Santana, Brian May, and Mr Emmanuel live. He knows how to play, but he’s also an exceptional songwriter. He’s got such a magnetic presence too. I found myself hanging on to his every word as he told stories about his career and songs. He’s the sort of guy who deserves to be at the front of the stage every night, so I was a little surprised to see him slotting into Jason Singh’s band when he finished his own set.

As I mentioned, this was an intimate gig even by Avoca Beach Theatre standards. But as Jason reminded us all, he didn’t care about the people who didn’t show up; he cared about the ones that did. Right attitude. Those that did show up were some of the most enthusiastic I’ve been amongst. They came from as far as Meeanjin/Brisbane and were up and dancing in the aisles from the first couple of songs. They knew every word of every song, not just the big Taxiride singles but the solo originals from Hummanequin. They even brought him cakes with his face on them to celebrate the 25th birthday of Imaginate!

As the show unfolded, I understood why they were so dedicated. I’d seen Jason play on board P&O’s 90s cruise in January and marvelled at his enthusiasm and energy, but the show reached another level here in Darkinjung Country/Avoca Beach. Here he was amongst people who celebrated the breadth of his artistry, not just those hits. The show celebrated his full discography, Taxiride music, original solo material, and the covers close to his heart that formed his Heaven’s Greatest Hits shows a couple of years ago. I can be a harsh critic when it comes to people covering Bowie, but his section featuring some of the Thin White Duke’s biggest hits was amazing.

While it seemed like most of the crowd would be happy for Jason to sing anything, I relished hearing big hits like “Get Set” and “Everywhere You Go.” Jason’s assembled a brilliant band who help him replicate the harmonies Taxiride were famous for. It’s a good thing too, given the bad blood between Jason and his former bandmates. He alluded to the drama a few times, clearly stung by the way things turned out. However, watching him sharing the stage with his new brothers, it seems he’s embracing this new chapter in his musical story.

This show was probably one of the loosest I’ve been to. I mentioned that when I saw Ian Moss recently it felt like that traditional divide between artist and audience vanished. This show took that up a notch, literally removing the divide as Jason jumped down from the stage to dance with his fans and share the microphone with them. On spying my phone on my lap, he told me he wouldn’t continue the show until I started following him on Instagram. Of course, I had to oblige. He encouraged us all to mimic his drummer’s hip-thrusting dance moves during “Roadhouse Blues”. It was a wild night, but fabulously fun. I must admit, like so many people I considered piking when the rain started pelting down. I even might have if we weren’t meeting friends for the gig. But I’m so glad I pushed through because I’m sure it’ll be one of my most memorable concerts this year.

Image source: own photos

Richard Clapton @ Avoca Beach Picture Theatre, Darkinjung Country/Avoca Beach – 31 May 2024

We’ve all got our comfort artists. The ones that we go see every couple of years because we can count on them singing songs we want to hear and simply making us feel good. They’re probably musicians you grew up listening to, so they feel like home. Richard Clapton is definitely one of those artists for me. As I look back at my blog it seems I’ve somehow let almost nine years go by without seeing Richard live, so a show was long overdue. And when he’s playing locally, who can refuse?

Anyone planning on skipping the support act would have been sorely disappointed, because there wasn’t one. Richard was more than happy to just get on with things. After so many years away from his shows, the set had plenty of twists and turns for me. Excited by the reissues of The Great Escape, Goodbye Tiger, and Prussian Blue, he gleefully played lesser-known tracks from those releases. Although they weren’t lesser known for this crowd, who expressed their excitement over those deep cuts. I wasn’t familiar with a lot of it, but Richard’s the sort of artist that entertains you regardless of what they’re singing. He also sprinkled hits throughout the set, encouraging us to sing along. Goodness, he’s written some hits. “Capricorn Dancer,” “Glory Road,” “Deep Water,” what gems.

It’s funny, when you don’t see an artist for a while it can seem like no time has passed, but at the same time, you see reminders of those passing years. Richard’s voice wasn’t quite as strong as I remember, but it still commands a room. I noticed his guitarist giving him a supportive hand as he climbed the steps onto the stage. We get an intermission now, rather than the show moving straight through.

Richard admitted he was 76, but he doesn’t look like he really wants to slow down. He praised our crowd as one of the best, relished the espresso martinis the venue served him, and encouraged us to book tickets for his shows at the same venue next January. I just might. If it’s been too long since you’ve see Richard live, make sure you catch him at one of his upcoming gigs:

1 June 2024 – Flamingo’s Live (formerly Lizotte’s), Mulbinba/Newcastle
2 June 2024 – Flamingo’s Live (formerly Lizotte’s), Mulbinba/Newcastle
2 July 2024 – Big Red Bash, Wirrarri/Birdsville
15 August 2024 – Mundi Mundi Bash 2024, Wiradjuri Country/Bruie Plains (SOLD OUT)
22 August 2024 – Gympie Music Muster, Kabi Kabi Country/Gympie
31 August 2024 – State Theatre, Eora/Sydney

Image source: own photo

Ian Moss @ Lizotte’s, Mulubinba/Newcastle – 25 May 2024

As I stepped into Lizotte’s on Saturday night, I realised that it’s been far too long. It’s the kind of venue that welcomes you back like an old friend, no matter how much time has passed though. It may be under new management, but other than the hosts wearing more sequins and the décor receiving a few more fairy lights, little has changed. The rotating menu still features old favourites like the salt and pepper squid with passionfruit sauce and classic fish and chips. If anything, the dishes were even better than we remembered. With bellies and glasses full, we settled in for a fantastic night of music.

Lachlan Edwards hit my radar back in 2020 with the release of his EP Once More, and I relished the opportunity to discover his new music. He was just 17 back then, a teen showing great promise but certainly green. He’s blossomed over the last few years, with European travel under his belt and a bunch of songs inspired by it set to be released later this year. While love songs dominated his EP, this set revealed some heartbreak. Never easy to navigate, but if you can come away from it with some great songs, so much the better. I loved hearing all this new material, stripped back and raw. Although it’s made me pretty excited for the new EP to come.

Lachlan warmed up the stage for Ian Moss, who delivered a similarly stripped-back show. I’ve seen Mossy more times than I can count now, and he never disappoints. This kind of acoustic show is my favourite. The set list can change on a dime, so you never know what’s coming, and he has the space to chat to the crowd. It’s so loose, easy, and lovely. We heard about his frustrations with his Apple Watch always wanting to give advice; it ended up on the floor after the first song. “Rivers Run Dry”, the title track from his new album, was so much more poignant after learning about the decades-long friendship that inspired it. We laughed hearing about the generous steak meal he enjoyed after volunteering to get a flat tyre fixed and leaving the rest of the Cold Chisel boys freezing in the middle of nowhere. It was one of those special nights where you didn’t feel that traditional divide between artist and audience; we were all just there to have a good time.

It almost goes without saying that the music was stellar. Mossy has a voice and presence that fills the room, and he’s one of the best guitarists we’ve got. The set was a rare treat, littered with songs from the fantastic new album Rivers Run Dry, hits from Matchbook and the Chisel days, and some unexpected treats. “Message from Baghdad” from Six Strings! A stunning cover of “Cry Me a River”! What a joy. And of course, there were those classic singalongs. Nothing makes me feel like I belong more than being in a room of Aussies belting out tracks like “When the War is Over”, “Flame Trees,” and “Tucker’s Daughter”.

After a pretty stressful week, this show was exactly what I needed. Two fantastic artists, one near the start of their journey, the other a seasoned veteran showing no signs of slowing down. Mossy wraps up his Solo & Acoustic Rivers Run Dry shows next weekend but he’s got gigs all through the rest of the year, including a few in the United Kingdom. If you can see him anywhere, make sure you do. You will not be disappointed.

1 June 2024 – Tanks Arts Centre, Yidinji Country/Edge Hill
2-4 July 2024 – Big Red Bash, Wirrarri/Birdsville
10 July 2024 – King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Glasgow
12 July 2024 – Bush Hall, London
15-17 August 2024 – Mundi Mundi Bash 2024, Wiradjuri Country/Bruie Plains (SOLD OUT)
17 August 2024 – D’agfest @ Dag Pub, Jinibara Country/D’aguilar
19-26 October 2025 – Rock the Boat, Eora/Sydney

Image source: own photos