Hands like Houses Release Amazing New Video

Anyone who’s ever tuned in to the Real Housewives of Melbourne knows there’s very little that’s real about its cashed up, perfectly manicured stars. If the creators wanted to cast real housewives, perhaps they should look to someone like the star of the new Hands like Houses video.

Sure she’s no glamourpuss, but there’s something very real about the woman who crumbles under the weight of domesticity in the “A Tale of Outer Suburbia” clip. It was filmed and directed by Joshua Aylett, who the Canberra band had on their wishlist for some time.

“He’s an amazing director that we grew up with in Canberra and someone that we knew we could create something a little outside of the box with,” explained Hands like Houses guitarist Matthew Cooper. “It’s always interesting approaching video clips with the intention of creating something unique and captivating, separate from the song though as well as complimentary. We absolutely love the final product and it’s definitely one of the coolest projects we’ve been part of.”

“A Tale of Outer Suburbia” is the latest song lifted from Hands like Houses album Unimagine. The band will celebrate its release with the following shows. Tickets are available at the door for all dates.

20 June 2014 – Bada Bing, Frankston
21 June 2014 – Bang, Melbourne
26 June 2014 – Hot Damn, Sydney
27 June 2014 – Riot! @ Enigma Bar, Adelaide
28 June 2014 – The Brightside, Brisbane
4 July 2014 – Tattersalls Hotel, Penrith