Who’s Your Most Eligible Music Bachelor?

Most often I’m a serious music journalist. But sometimes I’m just a woman who loves to admire good looking men. So every year I like to cast my eye over the contenders for the Cleo Bachelor of the Year title to see which local musos are in the running.

Celebrities At Crown Oaks Day

It makes sense for musicians to feature prominently in the list. John Mayer once said that a guitar was the ultimate airbrush, and he’s probably right. Although I’m just as likely to become weak-kneed when a man sits behind a piano or drum kit!

Isn’t it interesting to see Rob Farnham make the list? I remember thinking the Lanstrum singer had the potential to be hot when his band Nana-Zhami toured with John Farnham in the late 90s. Back then he was a little young and it felt a little pervy, but now he’s on my radar!

I still feel it’s a little pervy to consider Short Stack’s Andy Clemmensen as an eligible bachelor, but the 21-year-old has also made this year’s cut. I’m sure the tweens are voting in their droves though!

I’m much more interested in DJ Angus Gruzman. I think my inner hippie chick is responding to all that long shiny hair and all the vinyl behind him.

Rob “Millsy” Mills is another lad right up my alley. I must admit, his appeal was lost on me during his Idol stint. But you whack that man in tights and put him on a musical theatre stage and my heart beats faster.

I’m also a fan of Sam Clark. While he’s better known as a soap actor, he’s showing real promise as a singer-songwriter. He’s also easy on the eyes!

For the indie girls we’ve got Royce Akers of Hot Little Hands. He’s not my cup of chai, but he scores points for loving Tom Waits.

Dave Rennick of Dappled Cities also has that indie cool thing going on, but perhaps a little too much. Honestly he looks like a bit of a tool standing there scowling with his sunglasses on.

If you want to vote for any of these talented musos just click their names in this post!