PBS 106.7FM Celebrates New Collingwood Home With 2021 Radio Festival

If you live in Melbourne or its surrounds, tune in to PBS 106.7FM next week for the station’s 2021 Radio Festival. This year’s theme, Make it Home, is fitting as the station settles into their new digs at Collingwood Yards. Moving from the place they called home for 20 years is no easy feat, especially when you add COVID to the mix, so during the festival, PBS 106.7FM hopes the community will get involved and help them raise the funds they need for the finishing touches.

Sign up to become a PBS member, renew your membership, or make a donation at any time during the festival. You can pledge your support online via the PBS 106.7FM website, by emailing info@pbsfm.org.au, or calling the station on (03) 8415 1067 between 10am and 6pm Monday to Friday. All funds raised will help this independent community radio station keep the music pumping. You could also win some incredible prizes including a Vespa, Clingan Guitar Tone handmade electric guitar, double passes to Womadelaide or the Port Fairy Folk Festival, local record store vouchers, and tickets to selected Victorian venues.

“It feels like PBS has been talking about a new home forever and now the time has finally come. It’s going to be amazing but it’s also expensive, particularly with the challenges we’ve had keeping the music on air during COVID. We’re really hoping people who love the station will support us through this time by becoming a member and, if they can, making a donation towards the move to help us Make it Home,” said station manager, Adrian Basso.

PBS 106.7FM’s 2021 Radio Festival runs from Monday 17 May to Sunday 30 May.

Image used with permission from This Much Talent; credit: Kalindy Williams