Paulini’s Eurovision Hopeful is an Absolute Banger

I try my best to avoid the potential Eurovision tracks before the Australia Decides show, but Paulini’s effort keeps creeping into my inbox. So in spite of myself, I listened. I don’t know what she’s up against yet, but her song “We Are One” is definitely a track we could be proud to send to Turin.

This song has everything you want in a Eurovision number. It’s incredibly danceable. Paulini gives a powerhouse vocal performance. And the lyrics from Rick Price and John Capek, which celebrate our similarities, are ideal for the world stage.

“The world is hurting so it’s time to bust out with a little hope, unity and joy. There’s no better way to do that than with big sounds, and some big notes,” Paulini confirmed.

“I’m tired of being the person of colour, Australian’s are tired of lockdowns due to the pandemic, and the world is tired of being divided by religion and fear. It’s time to remind everyone that we are all humans standing on the same Earth, breathing the same air. Now is the time to come together, because we are one. I’m calling for unity from the top of my vocal range to remind the world, we are more than black or white, we are more than gay or straight, we are more than Muslim or Christian — we are people first.”

Amen! I’m ready to send Paulini to Italy now, but she’ll have to face off against the rest of the Aussie talent on the Gold Coast on February 26. Make sure to watch live on SBS to have your say!

Image used with permission from Ambition Entertainment

Ella Hooper, Tania Doko, and Alfie Arcuri Announced as Final Eurovision Hopefuls

I can’t be the only one excited that Australia now competes in Eurovision. There’s an extra buzz this year with the announcement we’ll go the route of some of the most successful countries and find our representative through a song contest. Today Ella Hooper, Tania Doko, and Alfie Arcuri were announced as the final hopefuls, joining Kate Miller-Heidke, Electric Fields, Sheppard, Aydan, Courtney Act, Mark Vincent, and Leea Nanos on the Gold Coast next month. While I would have liked to see more rock and a little less pop in the offerings, it’s a relatively diverse field considering what we usually deliver. Courtney Act is my sentimental favourite, but I can’t wait to see whether any of the other acts deliver a performance that convinces me to change my vote!

After preview shows on February 8, the big Australia Decides event screens live on SBS on February 9. It’s the perfect taster for the Eurovision extravaganza in Tel Aviv in May. Who will we send? Have your say next month!