“Bed and Breakfast” – King of Spain

It feels like far too long ago that we were introduced to King of Spain’s debut single “Ferrol.” If they left you wanting more too, wrap your ears around Bed and Breakfast, the band’s first EP.

Each track takes us to another European city. We’re veering off the beaten path here. We take visit “Ferrol,” a Spanish city, for the party. “Grabovac”, named after the Croatian city, is a smooth operator, skilled in the art of seduction. “Newburg” is a little psychedelic, so perhaps it’s the part of the European vacation where we experiment with some mushrooms. But what a trip is it. “Saint Pol” brings us back to earth with its deep-seated groove.

The press release mentions Allen Stone, and I can certainly hear similarities in the old-school sensibility and Peter White’s effortlessly soulful vocals. But I can also hear a little classic Hall & Oates coming through. And then there’s that thing you just can’t put your finger on that sets King of Spain apart. At just four tracks, Bed and Breakfast still isn’t enough to satisfy me. But it’s a delicious serve of funk and soul that’s certainly whetting my appetite for more from this Tartanya/Adelaide act.

Images used with permission from Big Oak Records